Friday, October 15, 2010

How to start a blog...?

How do you start a blog?  Especially when you are not naturally a writter.  Well I'll start by telling you who we are...

My name is Jocelyn and so far life has been quite the journey.  When my husband and I were married he adopted my daughter (now 18) and I think we just put our heads down and pushed forward because we didn't know what the heck we were doing.  We were only 24 & 26 at the time.  We had our son in 1998 (now 12).  We didn't think about where our food was coming from, what we were doing to the earth, what we were doing to each other.  Then in the beginning of 2005 our family just about fell apart because we were not paying attention to anything.  It was a wakeup call.  In the past 5 years we have been waking up and continue to try to be as REAL as we can. 

Which brings me to the last year or so.  I have always been a bleading heart liberal and my husband has been more to the center liberal.  So when we started paying attention to what was going on around us and to the future for our children and their children we HAD to start doing something about it.

When I was a kid I LOVED the outdoors.  My husband has always had a passion for nature.  My passion was stiffeled because of different events in my life.  However I've been allowing myself to open myself up more and see what is out there.

One way we are starting to change is paying attention to the way we eat and hopefully someday having an Urban Homestead.  It's hard to know where you want to end up and having no idea of how to begin.  I've started to read many different blogs on Urban and Rural Homesteading.  Very interesting people out there that have been doing what I see us doing in the near future.  Sometimes I get down on myself because it took me so long to open my eyes.  But then I remember that there is a whole population out there that still hasn't even began opening them.  And if there is hope for them there definately is hope for us.

I've gotten involved with Transition Madison Area. and look forward to working on re-skilling workshops for this area.  There are so many things I want to learn and how better than to help bring these things to my area for everyone else out there that want to.  Things like canning, homesteading, chickens, butchering, crafty/artsy, permaculture, herbs, etc... 

So I guess this blog will be a free-flowing diary of sorts.  What am I feeling, what are we doing, how are we doing it...etc...


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I tried Milwaukees transition group as well, but quickly got frustration with the lack of action. I did join because they said they did reskilling I wasn't seeing any of it though.

    Best of luck to you! I'll go ahead and send a friendship request on facebook your way since I noticed your badge too :)

  2. Hi, Jocelyn. I came here from the Simple Living Blog. Welcome to blogging! It's interesting that you mentioned the bit about being a bleeding heart liberal--me too. Then again, my husband isn't. I think it goes to show that living simply, cleanly, and sustainably isn't a political choice. It is about, as you have said, really paying attention to what we are doing instead of pushing forward blindly.

    I look forward to reading your thoughts.
